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Building Dreams, Transforming Lives August 2022


It’s been said that “a successful team effort is not a mysterious or magical event that just ‘happens’ because fate brought the right group of people together. It rarely happens that way. Real teamwork happens as a result of a deliberate and well thought out plan, executed by skilled team leaders who have a clear vision, specific goals and a deliberate strategy to get people working together.”

The U.S.I. campaign was kicked off during the month of June with a series of sermons that laid out a definite strategy to accomplish our goal. We received a prayer devotion booklet, pledge cards and information to use in explaining this campaign to our families and friends and, of course, a celebration lunch!

Now that we’ve seen the big picture, over the next several years there will be many ways that each of us can step up and help out. Many projects will only involve a few hours of your time. Love has always been the spirit of this church and service our cause.

Teach us to be generous, oh Lord, generous with our time and talents, generous with our money, and give us the courage to act.

Andrea Cook

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