What do FCC Disciples believe?
​Disciples stress freedom and diversity.
The Bible is the guide for Christian living and faith, it truly reveals God's purpose in the world: to free us from sin through Christ.
Openness to Christ and the Gospel (no dogma or doctrine)
Rebirth of the values found in the New Testament accounts of the early church.
Each person is free to explore and interpret the Scriptures according to his or her own experience and is encouraged to do so with the nurture of a faith community.
We believe that God is revealed in the Bible and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christ is the Son of God, part of God's own divinity, yet fully human, our Savior, and with us always.
Public confession of belief in Christ and repenting of sins, acceptance of Jesus into our lives.
Unity of all Christians in love of Christ. Doctrines and human differences should not be allowed to divide believers rom each other.
Inclusive Ministry in the life and work of the church. All members are ministers and entitled to interpret the Scriptures and perform church functions.
Baptism is an act by which a believer enters into the church universal. Baptism is for mature individuals that are old enough to make their own decisions. Immersion in water which is the accepted New Testament practice, but other forms of Baptism are valid and accepted.
The Lord's Supper is the heart of worship. It is celebrated in remembrance of Christ and Christs life on earth. Communion draws the congregation closer together with thanksgiving for forgiveness of sins and renewal of life. The Lord's Supper is celebrated on Sundays and special occasions. It is administered by lay people. All Christians are welcome to participate.
Membership at First Christian Church brings you:
Freedom and Diversity in Worship: Prayer and devotion are a Christians greatest source of strength. There are no set doctrines or uniform rules so each person can find the methods that suit him or her the best.​
Freedom and Diversity in Service: God has given each Christian unique gifts and talents. The church offers may varied opportunities to put them to use locally, nationally and worldwide.
Freedom and Diversity in Fellowship: Church members join together in may ways sharing each other's joys and sorrows, helping each other follow Christ's way in of daily life.
If you want to become a member of FCC all you need to do is talk to Pastor Aerii Smith. You can call her at 307-634-7878.