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We believe God is always calling us to reach out to others in love.  We take this very seriously and put our time, effort, and resources into it.  Along with other faith communities we regularly provide temporary housing for families in who are seeking housing and employment through the Family Promise Cheyenne ministry.  We regularly provide meals for COMEA House, a shelter in Cheyenne for the homeless.  We also support other important agencies and ministries, such as (these are just a few) with volunteer help, mission trips/projects, and financial support:

  • Disciples Mission Fund - Supporting the worldwide mission and ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

  • Needs, Inc. - Providing services to the needy, to homeless shelters (COMEA and Welcome Mat)

  • Habitat for Humanity - Providing housing for low-income families

  • Angel Tree Project  - Providing Christmas gifts to children of incarcerated parents

  • Colorado Christian Home/Tennyson Center - Offering treatment for abused and neglected children and their families

  • Salvation Army - Provides hot meals via their soup kitchen Monday thru Saturday 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM and Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:30 pm.

  • Family Promise - Family Promise is a temporary shelter in local churches provided to homeless families with children. First Christian Church is in the rotation to house and feed homeless families that are enrolled in the Family Promise Program.

  • COMEA Shelter - COMEA is a shelter for the homeless that has a daily check in at 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM and check out is 7:00AM - 8:00 AM.  First Christian Church prepares a dinner for all that are staying at the shelter on the first Thursday of every month.


One way that we grow together in our love and knowledge of God is by sharing together in fellowship and study. First Christian Church offers a number of Sunday School and Small Group opportunities for adults on Sunday mornings. If you have not connected with one of these groups we would invite you to come and grow with us!  Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 a.m.


At First Christian children are very important to us. We appreciate the presence of children in worship, so we all worship together at 10:30 a.m.  During the service there is a children's moment - a special message just for kids.  After the children's moment, children ages 3-through 5th  grade are invited to Kids Zone Sunday School, a fun, interactive time of worship and learning. Kids also partcipate in worship in different ways including the opportunity to be an acolyte.

Youth 6th grade and up are invited to be part of Youth Group.  We participate in a variety of community service projects, join other youth groups in the community for joint activities and  have fun days. For inquiries and to be added to the email list contact Susann Robbins at First Christian Church.

#307-634-7878 Ext. 12


Our nursery is available to children every Sunday during worship. For more information, contact the church office.


The Senior Ministry Program at FCC is designed to deepen each person's relationship with God and with each other.  The trained Care Team takes "church" to the home-centered and hospitalized.  They share God's love through an array of spiritual practices, those which are important to the person being served.  Further, for those who are able-bodied, there is a monthly trip where those participating can enjoy like interests.  While spending this time together they can deepen their relationships in pleasant surroundings.  It is hoped that this bond will better enable those members to serve the others in their times of distress.  Our goal is to offer our presence and support. 


Disciple Men (or CMF) meet the second Saturday of every month at 8 a.m. for breakfast and fellowship. Throughout the year our men's group participates in many different ministries of the church, including mission and service projects.  All men are invited to join us!


Disciple Women (or CWF) meet the second Thursday of every month. There are three different small groups so you can choose which group and what time work best for you. The Marth Ruth group meet at 9:30 a.m. The Lydia group meets at 1 p.m. The Sarah group meets at 7 p.m. Group meetings vary in location so contact the church office if you would like to attend and we can get you connected.


Our campus, located directly across from the Herschler Building and close to downtown, is a convenient location to hold meetings and events.  Additionally, our parking lot is a convenient and affordable location for downtown parking.  If you are interested in renting meeting or event space or leasing a parking spot monthly, contact the church office.

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