Spring is in the air, can you feel it? Excitement, growth, joy, plans are being made!
We’re at a time in the church when there are a lot of moving pieces. It’s a different change from the Advent to Easter marathon, but it continues to get busier with events and happenings and plans for what will go on in the future.
By now, most of you are aware that we’re launching a huge fundraising campaign in June to raise money for Unaccompanied Student Initiative, and building a new house for teen moms in our community.
But it’s more than just that. We finished a very long sermon series on evangelism, on saying something, trying something, speaking the word of our faith. We’re looking forward to how we can grow and hope into the future.
Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. A lot of that is because I can’t wait to get into my garden, get my hands dirty, and watch things grown. And you know what? It’s not so unlike the church and ministry, is it?
I love to watch churches and people thrive for Christ. I love to see how passionate we are for Christ, how we as a church, when joined together will do amazing things for God and for our community.
We’re not here to be a building.
We’re here to share the love of Christ with all.