I can’t stop thinking about new beginnings. My husband isn’t the first one to accuse me of having too much of a forward-thinking brain and being a bit stuck in the future. But when it comes to leadership, that serves as an advantage for the most part.
We’ve had some bumps along the way since I’ve started ministering here. But this month marks my third anniversary of being here. We’ve overcome so much in these three short years, and we have so many more years coming ahead of us. But right now, we really are in the wilderness.
The elders got together in February and worked hard to come up with a mission statement, one we can all remember easily, one that really represents us as best as possible and the direction we are feeling the Holy Spirit pulling us toward. This has become our benediction during worship service.
We love all. We serve everyone. We grow together as a vibrant community in Christ.
We are a vibrant community, one who loves to serve, one who loves to be together, one who loves the Lord with all of our heart. Does that mean we’re perfect? Absolutely not. We’re human. We’re a work in progress.
We’re finding our new beginning as it forms in front of us, and we’re getting ready to run full force into it. It’s been hard work these past few years, and the hard work doesn’t stop here. It continues as we go forward, as we break through into our new beginning and find ourselves on the path that God has set before us.
I can’t wait to see where God is taking us. Can you?