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Building Dreams, Transforming Lives - July 2024

Have you seen the USI Lego house at the front of the sanctuary? It’s growing due to all the pledges being fulfilled, donations and fundraisers. Since we started this campaign 2 years ago, our latest total is $125,718.78. We still need to raise $78,881.22 by the end of December 2025. Can we do it? You bet we can.

Some of the fundraisers we have done are:

  • The garage sale in the church basement June 2023 raised $1,785,53.

  • The Elk’s Club breakfast raised approximately $1,500.00.

  • The George Gray Elvis concert in March, 2024 raised $2593.51.

  • Railspur taco night June 2024 raised $350.00.

  • The CWF chili cook off and bake auctions in 2023 and 2024 raised approximately $2,000.00.

  • Papa John’s pizza 2nd Sunday of every month has raised approximately $200.00+, keep buying those pizzas with the church code.

There are more fundraisers coming:

  • July 2024 will be an estate sale for all of Cindy White's things plus whatever anyone wants to add.

  • September 21, 2024 will be a block party, food trucks and more.

  • Regional Assembly will be at our church October 25th, 26th, and 27th. On Sunday October 27th, we will have another breakfast fundraiser at the Elks Club.

  • In December 2024 a fundraiser will be done at Perkins,

  • Superbowl, February 9th 2025, a potato bar is planned.

In the next 18 months, businesses will be contacted for donations and grants will be applied for.

Anyone with more ideas for fundraisers, please let us know or do them yourself.

God is leading on this journey of raising money for the home for homeless teen moms. Please pray for our campaign.

Judy Osborn


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